Carrie Stewart reaccredited to the Children Order Panel

Carrie Stewart reaccredited to the Children Order Panel

- by Thomas Taggart & Sons

Carrie Stewart has today been reaccredited by the Children Order Accreditation Board to the Children Order Panel.

The Children Order Panel is a select group of family solicitors who have been accredited by the Law Society to represent parties in public law proceedings under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995. The underlying aim is to ensure that solicitors provide legal services in this area to the best possible standard, taking into account recent caselaw, judicial guidance and best practice initiatives. 

Carrie has been a member of the Panel since January 2010 and has represented parties in a wide range of both private and public law proceedings. These proceedings have included disputes in relation to contact and residence, applications by Heath Trusts for Supervision or Care Orders and applications to free children for adoption.

If you would like to speak to Carrie about any family legal issue, please contact us today on 028 2766 2118 or email

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